Get EU Funding for Your Proposal

☑️ Supporting most EU/EEA project calls
☑️ Project writing resources at no cost
☑️ More than 80% of our proposals get funded

Our clients got EU funding from:
EEA grants white logo
European Social Fund white logo
European Youth Foundation logo
EEA grants white logo
European Youth Foundation logo
European Social Fund white logo
Projects approved
Approval rate
Partners worldwide
EU funding raised (millions)

Project calls we’re top experts in:

To choose the wanted project call click on the respective tab below.

To choose a project call tap on the respective tab below.

EUKI or the European Climate Initiative – is a two-stage project call from the German Ministry of Environment. As its name suggests EUKI focuses on climate action (i.e., projects that contribute to reduced CO2 footprint, etc.).

🏫 For: Europe-based organisations that are working in the field of climate/environment
💰 Average Budget: €500,000  |  🔋 Finance rate: up to 95%
🏁 Deadline: TBA
📅 Project duration:
 up to 28 mo.
⏳ Writing time: 20-30 d.
👩‍💼 Partnership: Eastern / Central / Southern Europe

✍️ Writing price: from €1,995 + 4.9% success fee (paid only if the project is approved)  |  ✅ Corrections & resubmission: at no cost

Pilot Project – Sport for People and Planet – a new approach on sustainability through sport in Europe (PPPA-SPORT-2022-PEOPLE-PLANET) – a funding call for projects, which use the power of sport to make Europeans aware of 1) the importance of sustainability; and 2) how they can contribute to social cohesion and the environment.

🏫 For: Europe-based organisations (clubs) that are working in the field of climate/environment and/or sports
💰 Budget: up to €400,000  |  🔋 Finance rate: 80%
🏁 Deadline: TBA
📅 Project duration:
12-18 mo.
⏳ Writing time: 30 d.
👩‍💼 Partnership: N/A

✍️ Writing price: from €2,995 + 4.9% success fee (paid only if the project is approved)  |  ✅ Corrections & resubmission: at no cost

Norway / EEA Grants Fund for Youth Employment was established to contribute to sustainable and quality youth employment in Europe. This Fund has a multilateral focus – it helps entities across Europe pooling their efforts to find new ways of reducing youth unemployment.

🏫 For: NGOs, public & educational institutions
💰 Min. budget: €1,000,000  |  🔋 Finance rate: up to 85%
📅 Project duration: 3-4 years
⏳ Writing time: up to 15 d. (concept note) + 15 d. (full proposal)
👩‍💼 Partnership: EU countries + EEA (donor) countries

✍️ Writing price: €2,495 + 4.25% success fee (paid only if the project is approved)  |  ✅ Corrections & resubmission: at no cost

Goal of Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in the field of Sport is to allow relevant organisations: 1) to increase the quality and relevance of their activities; 2) to develop and reinforce their networks of partners; and 3) to increase their capacity to operate jointly at a transnational level. The action seeks to do that through exchanging or developing new practices and methods.

🏫 For: sports organisations & bodies
💰 Lump sum budgets: €120,000 / €250,000 / €400,000  |  🔋 Finance rate: 100%
📅 Project duration: 12-36 mo.
⏳ Writing time: 15-25 d.
👩‍💼 Partners: European

Erasmus+ Capacity Building (in the field of youth) projects (primarily) aim to: 1) increase the capacities of youth organisations; and 2) promote and support non-formal education (NFE) and youth work in Erasmus+ Partner countries (i.e., countries outside of EU/EEA).

🏫 For: organisations working in the field of youth
💰 Average budget: €200,000  |  🔋 Finance rate: 80%
📅 Project duration: 12-36 mo.
⏳ Writing time: 20 d.
👩‍💼 Partnership: global

Goal of Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnerships (in the field of youth) is to allow organisations: 1) to increase the quality and relevance of their activities; 2) to develop and reinforce their networks of partners; and 3) to increase their capacity to operate jointly at a transnational level. The action seeks to do that through exchanging or developing new practices and methods.

🏫 For: NGOs, (social) businesses, public & educational institutions
💰 Average budget: €250,000  |  🔋 Finance rate: 100%
📅 Project duration: 12-36 mo.
⏳ Writing time: 30 d.
👩‍💼 Partnership: global

The objective of this action is to attract and widen access for less experienced organisations (and newcomers to Erasmus+) to the programme. These partnerships should act as the first step for organisations into cooperation at the European level.

🏫 For: grassroots organisations, less experienced organisations, and newcomers to Erasmus+ KA2
💰 Lump-sum budget: €30,000 or €60,000   |  🔋 Finance rate: 100%
📅 Project duration: 6-24 mo.
⏳ Writing time: 15 d.
👩‍💼 Partnership: European

Our team is able to give expert advice for most EU / EEA project calls. Among them:

  • Erasmus+ KA1/KA2/KA3
  • Erasmus+ Capacity Building (CBY)
  • Erasmus+ in the Field of Sports
  • European Social Fund
  • EUKI
  • Norway / EEA Grants
  • European Youth Foundation
  • and more

Not sure whether we can help? Contact us anyway, perhaps we will be able to connect you with experts in your project call.

Meet our award-winning team

Name: Active Youth
HQ: Vilnius, Lithuania
Experience: working with projects since 2014
Purpose: development of youth / NGO sector
Team: 24 writers, designers, youth workers and good people overall
We speak: 🇬🇧 🇱🇹 🇪🇸 🇵🇱
🏆 Awards: Charlemagne Youth Prize (2023), Baltic Sustainability Award (2022), Presidential Award (2018)

Active Youth getting Charlemagne Youth Prize
Active Youth got Baltic Sustainability Award in 2022
Active Youth received the President's Award in 2018
Active youth getting Charlemagne prize

How do we get EU funding for you:


Research: we start off every project writing process with extensive research (of the problem, target groups, etc.) and consultations with you.


Planning: once we understand the field sufficiently, we move on to the project mapping – every detail is visualised on a timeline.


Writing: only after everyone is happy with the project’s plan, our professional grant writers get to work.


Revision: another writer goes over the proposal and scores it based on the evaluation table. Any deficiencies are then fixed.


Submission: the funding-ready proposal is presented to you and if everything is approved – it’s time to submit. Cheers!

Our team works with projects since 2014. In those years, we have submitted and got EU funding for 100s of project proposals. These included many different project calls, themes, locations and budgets (from 10k to 1.5 million euros of EU funding). It’s not far-fetched to say, our expertise in project writing is among the top in Europe.

Our team is able to give expert advice for most EU / EEA project calls. Among them:

  • Erasmus+ KA1/KA2/KA3
  • Erasmus+ Capacity Building
  • Erasmus+ in the Field of Sports
  • European Social Fund
  • EUKI
  • Norway / EEA Grants
  • European Youth Foundation
  • and more

Not sure whether we can help? Contact us anyway, perhaps we will be able to connect you with experts in your project call.

Our clients were happy because of the following:

  • We are fast to reply & to give advice
  • We are honest. If we know that your project call is not in our expertise, we will say so
  • Free support. We offer free and non-binding project consultations and other resources (see at the bottom of the page)
  • Success rate. More than 80% of the project proposals we’ve worked upon received EU funding
  • Our prices are reasonably low & our profits are reinvested to initiatives for youth development. This is because we are a for-purpose organisation

During the initial consultation, our project expert will:

  • evaluate your idea & give suggestions for improvement
  • discuss whether your project is suitable for the specific EU funding call. If not, you’ll be directed towards a better alternative
  • tell how can we help further (if there is a need for that)

The simplest way to get the consultation is to click on the Contact Us button & fill in the quick form.

Yes, of course. Our team has written several successful proposals from A to Z for our partners.

To be sure, we will base the proposal on your idea and will ask for your input here & there. Because in the end the project is going to belong to your organisation. And, we do not want you to own what you did not seek for.

First & foremost we seek quality in project design. Thus, for longer / more complex project calls we might need around 3-4 weeks from the beginning till the submission. That’s because it takes time to: refine the project’s idea, build an excellent partnership and then the whole proposal around it.

Yet, every project is individual. Just get in touch & we will see how fast we can provide our support.

User reviews

Labai nuostabi vieta atlikti praktiką ir būti nuostabios komandos nariu. Kiekvieną dieną gali išmokti kažko naujo ir prisidėti prie to, kad pasaulis būtų gražesnė vieta gyventi!
It is a great place to have your internship! I highly recommend to choose them! You will never be bored with dynamic tasks and friendly, but professional teammates.
Radvilė Urbelytė
Radvilė Urbelytė
Since the day one, when I randomly found them on facebook, till now, I can't stop admiring them, for their initiatives and hard work to make our planet a better place. 🙌 For this reason I chose them to be my sending organisation for ESC. Because I knew, that they will take a good care of me. And I was right! (Special thanks to Greta💋) After my ESC experience I had an opportunity to be interviewed by them, to share my story with the youth on their social media platforms. Which are also very impressive! You must to check it out! All in all, the whole experience felt very special. Thank you guys so much! 🤍
Dovilė Imbrasaitė
Dovilė Imbrasaitė
I worked as an intern in this inspiring organization. I learnt how to manage projects, met foreign partners and a forward-looking team of Active Youth.
Elze Visnevskyte
Elze Visnevskyte
I’m more than grateful for all the team at Active Youth. Just because of them I grew up personally and professional in communication and social media management, website development, project writing and many more fields. Thank you!
Juste Mykolaityte
Juste Mykolaityte
No doubt, absolutely greatest place to start your career if the monotonous 9 to 5 job is no longer serving you any good! The colleagues are very welcoming and willing to help you as well as are true professionals in project writing and management!
Dominyka Galčiūtė
Dominyka Galčiūtė
This organisation has helped me to understand project writting and implementation processes. Now i can write project on my own and i know how to implement/manage it
Laura Riaubaitė
Laura Riaubaitė
Today and tomorrow, more meaningful with Active Youth Association and its' team!
Turgut Kaan Akkoca
Turgut Kaan Akkoca
A perfect organization creating differences in NGO World! As their say, they are DOPE!
Troia Youth Group
Troia Youth Group


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    Say Hi to AY Projects
    Naugarduko g. 32/2, Vilnius, Lithuania